SIMMR: Student Initiative for Multimodal Methods in Research
SIMMR is a funding initiative by ReCNTR offering Leiden University students the opportunity to request financing for events with a focus on multimodal approaches to scholarship in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The initiative aims to support various student-led activities that could include, but are not limited to: workshops, lectures, seminars, conferences, film screenings, exhibitions, symposiums, etc. Through bi-annual open calls, SIMMR aims to financially and structurally support students’ proposals to invite key figures doing artistic and multimodal research.

Applying to SIMMR
Applications are open to all Bachelor’s, (Research) Master’s, PhDs, and Post-Doctoral students affiliated with Leiden University.
Funding amount: Up to EUR 500 will be awarded to the selected proposals.
Timeline & Selection : SIMMR will put out an open call for applications at the end of each semester (i.e. two calls every academic year). At least two proposals will be selected (see evaluation criteria) on a rolling basis throughout the semester period, but please note that events should be held within 3 months of the proposal being selected.
Deadline: Applications must be submitted by 20th February 2025 for the upcoming semester (Feb 2025 – July 2025). For the next round of applications in the following semester (Sep 2025 – Feb 2026), the application deadline is 4th September 2025.
Application Process
Interested candidates should mention the following in their application:
- Title + type of event + main speaker/interlocutor if applicable.
- e.g. Artistic Interventions in the Dutch Colonial Archives – Workshop by _______
- Brief description of the proposed event (max. 400 words)
- Short motivation explaining the relevance of the proposed event related to the applicant’s research interests and multimodality (max. 200 words)
- Planned date/timeline for the event
- Budget and detailed allocation of expenses
- e.g. speakers’ travel cost; catering/drinks; venue charges, etc.
- Expected outcome of the planned event
- e.g., securing further funding for a bigger project; target audience; future exhibition, conference, or publication.
- Applicant details: Full name; Faculty; Affiliation (BA/MA/ResMA/PhD/Postdoc)
All applications must be submitted through the application form online.
If you are unable to access the form, please submit your application via e-mail to with the subject line: SIMMR Application – (Event Title)
Evaluation Criteria
- Originality, quality, and interdisciplinary character of the research theme, topic or question(s).
- Organizational feasibility in terms of time, finances, and labor commitment + Detailed breakdown of the budget allocation.
- Alignment with ReCNTR’s mission & aim.
- Thematic link to multimodal research in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
- Quality of research & planning prior to submission + applicant’s attention to detail as demonstarted by the written proposal (this could range from: contemporary relevance of critical issues broached by the proposed event – to confirming dates, venues, and attendance of invited speakers beforehand).
Unsure about what kind of events you’d like to organize through SIMMR? Take a look at some of ReCNTR’s past events for ideas:
Workshops & Seminars
Film Screenings & Discussions
Talks & Presentations
Other Events & Collaborations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the chances of my proposal being selected?
It is diffcult to estimate the number of applicants since this is SIMMR’s first open call. Whether or not your propsoal is selected is highly contingent on factors too vast and complex to summarize in the FAQs section, but the following points of suggestions are good to keep in mind (in addition to the evaluation criteria) when drafting the application:
- Inviting guest speakers: experts, scholars and practitioners who are promiment in their field yet realistically attainable. It is often easier to invite those who have a well-established niche of their own, wihtin the broader field of multimodal research. Confirming your guest speakers’ availability before submitting your proposal, and clearly specifying their status (confirmed/not yet confirmed) in the application form is always preferred, if not mandatory.
- Exemplifying a cross-disciplinary and collaborative aspect, across the different fields/departments/faculties at Leiden University.
- Building on applicants’ ongoing research, as well as some prior engagement with audio-visual multimodal research methods in terms of artistic practice and/or academic discourse.
- For workshops: Focus on the subject of ‘making’ in social sciences and humanities research; involving active participation & hands-on experimentation with different audiovisual technologies, techniques, tools, or strategies—led by experienced artists/scholars.
- Featuring topical discussions through showcasing projects that, according to you, do a good job of bridging gaps between art/academia, and between theory/practice.
Tip: To spark some ideas for your proposal, take a look at ReCNTR’s previous events (or see above FAQs)
What is the timeframe in which the event should take place?
The event should be held within 3 months of the proposal being accepted/receiving a positive decision.
How many proposals will be receiving funding per semester?
For now, only two proposals from two different applicants per semester will receive funding.
Can I submit more than one proposal?
We ask each applicant to submit only one proposal per round/semester. Should the applicant(s) wish to submit another proposal, they can do so during the next round of selections in the following semester.
If my application is not selected, can I still apply for the next round?
Yes, you can apply with the same or an entirely new proposal in the next round.
Is it possible to apply as a group?
Yes, applying as a group is possible and encouraged.
What kind of organizational support can applicants expect beyond the funding?
The idea is for participants to be self-sufficient in organizing their events. This also entails familiarizing oneself with the logistics of hosting and publicizing events at Leiden University. However, if participants need additional help or guidance, they should reach out to the ReCNTR team.
Can the events take place outside Leiden University’s campuses?
Yes, that is possible, but please note that it is often easier (and more cost-effective) to organize events within the university campuses. If you wish to proceed with externally hosting your event, please ensure you have the additional funding for this.
When can we expect to hear back a decision on our application?
We will try to notify the selected applicants within 2 weeks of their submission. In the case that your application is unsuccessful, we will notify you in 3 weeks.
How will disbursement be arranged?
Applicants will be provided with a simple written guide on submitting invoices of expenses and ensuring timely disbursement of funds to relevant parties, if applicable (speakers, venue, catering, equipment, etc.)
Is there any additional post-event documentation required for selected applicants?
Yes, all successful applicants will need to ensure that they correctly document and track their expenditure, as well as submit a post-event report.
The total cost of the event exceeds EUR 500, is it possible to receive additional funding from ReCNTR?
Unfortunately, it is difficult for us to award more than EUR 500 per proposal at present. SIMMR aims to accommodate a diverse range of student-led activities but has limited funds to do so. However, we highly encourage seeking additional funding from other sources/parties (both within and beyond the university) as well as collaborating with other organizations for various events.
For additional inquiries, please e-mail us at